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“stories travel faster than light” study 1 - after Solomon Enos
“stories travel faster than light” study 1 - after Solomon Enos
“stories travel faster than light” study 1 - after Solomon Enos
calls from home - to love at a distance
calls from home - to love at a distance
calls from home - to love at a distance
star belly “constellations woven into the skin of our hands”
star belly “constellations woven into the skin of our hands” install shot
a moth, a gecko, and two moons.jpg
a moth, a gecko, and two moons
a moth, a gecko, and two moons
midnight mangos and mosquito punk (small kine hard fo see)
midnight mangos and mosquito punk (small kine hard fo see)
midnight mangos and mosquito punk (small kine hard fo see)
the lion dog paradox
the lion dog paradox
save the children
how did she get here?
nene time/ chicken skin
nene time/ chicken skin
urn for lost lullabies
urn for lost lullabies
a home to return to
I never did learn how to surf
I never did learn how to surf
I never did learn how to surf
I never did learn how to surf
love letter to a traveling plum
love letter to a traveling plum
love letter to a traveling plum
love letter to a traveling plum
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